The Dona Ivone Scholarship
The Coffee Coalition for Racial Equity is proud to offer the Dona Ivone Scholarship in support of advancing the knowledge and skills of Black individuals working in coffee. The scholarship pays tribute to an amazing female figure in coffee – Dona Ivone Botone Baziollli – read more about her accomplishments here.
The Dona Ivone Scholarship 2022 Recipients
The Coffee Coalition for Racial Equity (CCRE) is pleased to announce the inauguaral recipients of the
Dona Ivone Scholarship. Selected from a pool of U.S and Brazilian applicants, meet the four recipients
who will be taking their coffee careers to the next level!
Bolsistas selecionados para a bolsa Dona Ivone 2022
A Coalizao para Igualdade Racial no Café (CCRE) tem o prazer de anunciar os nomes dos primeiros
beneficiários da Bolsa Dona Ivone. Selecionados entre um grupo de candidaturas nos Estados Unidos e
no Brasil, conheça aqui o nome das quatro candidaturas que terão suas carreiras impulsionadas.
Raphael Silva Brandão, 28 years old, was born in Nova Iguaçu, a metropolitan city in Rio de Janeiro. Raphael has been working in coffee for three years. He is a roaster of specialty coffees at a micro roaster, and is the creator and owner of the Café di Preto brand, whose main objective is to highlight the black population working in the coffee value chain.
Raphael’s project is to transform the Café di Preto brand into the first black roasting plant in the country. He will use the scholarship to deepen his knowledge in roasting and apply it in his enterprise.
Raphael Silva Brandão, 28 anos, natural de Nova Iguaçu - cidade metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, com Ensino Superior incompleto e trabalha com café há três anos. É torrefador de cafés especiais em uma micro torrefação, idealizador e proprietário da marca Café di Preto, que tem por objetivo maior dar protagonismo à população negra na cadeia de valor do café. Está com o projeto de transformar a marca na primeira torrefação negra do país. Utilizará a bolsa para aprofundar seu conhecimento em torra e aplicá-lo em seu empreendimento.
Elis Bambil, 29 years old, was born in Mato Grosso do Sul, and currently lives in São Paulo. She has been working in coffee for five and a half years. She really enjoys sharing knowledge and she says that maybe it is because she comes from a family of teachers.
Elis went to São Paulo to study specialty coffees, and specializes in barism. She has recently returned to school. She understands barism as a science and aims to disseminate her knowledge through a training course. In addition to coffee, she has a great passion for Education, Music, Arts in general and social issues. She really wants to open her own business.
Elis Bambil, 29 anos, nasceu no Mato Grosso do Sul e atualmente mora em São Paulo. Ela trabalha com café há cinco anos e meio. Ela gosta muito de compartilhar conhecimento e diz que talvez seja porque ela vem de uma família de professores. Elis foi para São Paulo estudar cafés especiais e se especializou em barismo. Ela voltou recentemente para a universidade. Ela entende o barismo como uma ciência e tem como objetivo disseminar seus conhecimentos por meio de um curso de formação. Além do café, tem uma grande paixão pela Educação, Música, Artes em geral e questões sociais. Ela deseja muito abrir seu próprio negócio.
Keoni Toman is a coffee shop manager and barista in the Northern Virginia / DC area. Keoni has been working in coffee for eight years.
“Coffee is a powerful driver and has supported people through the toughest of times as a constant in their lives. The constant being a place they always must go and the people thatserve them. I wouldn't be where I am today without coffee and all the people I've had the absolute pleasure of getting to know.”
For Keoni, access isn’t just about physically being somewhere. “It's about psychological / emotional safety as well and being a lone black face in my coffee community can make it hard to stay motivated.”
Keoni is interested in learning more about roasting coffee, where it comes from, how it’s farmed and the history of the business of coffee. He would love to start competing in coffee competitions and championships.
Talitha Clemons is the owner and operator of Bright Vibe Coffee in Oklahoma City, OK. She has been working in coffee for ten years.
“I have educated myself as a barista, as a manager, competitor and now as a business owner. I know that there is benefit to structured education and I am excited to move toward opportunities to learn what I need from others to grow and to continue as a coffee professional.”
Talitha would like to use her scholarship to help further her education in roasting coffee. She believes there is so much to learn and hopes to become a Q Grader and would use a portion to be certified and expand the opportunities that she would have in the coffee industry.